Progressive—Transformational—Gospel Centered—Open to All
St. Stephens-Bethlehem United Church of Christ is a progressive Christian Church that practices God’s unconditional welcome. We celebrate faith that is discovered personally and shared generously through love and service.
“Where God’s Loving Acceptance Is Open To All.”
Our church places a high value on outreach and community service. The church building is used throughout the week by a wide variety of support groups and other community-based organizations.
We are currently living out God's call in partnership with the following Western New York agencies: Family Promise of Western New York, Plymouth Crossroads, Family Justice Center, Gay and Lesbian Youth Services, and Heritage Christian Services.
We regularly collect food for local food pantries and contribute to local, national, and global missions.
In all of this, we believe that God calls us to help relieve the suffering of others and to work for a more just community and world.
We are part of a progressive denomination, the United Church of Christ. St. Stephens Bethlehem is an Open and Affirming Congregation. The United Church of Christ is known for valuing the ability of persons to seek and understand God. We do not impose doctrine, but we encourage learning and spiritual growth through reading scripture and through prayer, conversation, and thoughtful reason. We love the Bible and take it seriously, though not always literally. Within our church are persons of many theological and political persuasions. We are committed to be in relationship with one another, and we respect diversity of thought.
No Matter Who you are or where you are on Life's Journey, You are WELCOME HERE...